

Welcome to my website

I have written Leaves From The Tree over the past eight or so years, researching my mother’s family over the centuries, dispelling many family myths!

According to the Dictionary of Surnames, Phizacklea is based on an Anglo-Saxon placename: faes (border), acer (cultivated land, and leah (clearing), so we didn’t come over with the Polish retinue of the Young Pretender, but were already well-established.

We were never quite as grand as my grandmother would have wished, but were by no means muddy peasants either. We have always lived on the land, and this book is an attempt to explain some of the country ways that are fast being lost to urbanisation.

I have also written a novel, Bats in the Belfry, which is only available on Amazon Kindle. This is a story about a big old house, full of eccentric paying guests, all needing a home and looked after by Harriet, a young widow.

I hope you enjoy reading both of them.
